Terms and Conditions


Welcome to Flexi Domain. These Terms and Conditions govern your use of our website located at https://flexidomain.in and our services, ensuring a productive and secure environment. By accessing our service, you agree to these terms.

Account Registration

To use Flexi Domain, users must register for an account. Accurate and current information is required. Each user is responsible for their account's security.

User Content

Users maintain ownership of their data. Flexi Domain allows users full control over their data, including the right to delete their account and data at any time.

Prohibited Activities

Using our service for illegal activities, to infringe on others' rights, or to disrupt the service's operation is strictly forbidden.


We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time. Continued use after changes signifies acceptance.

Contact Us

For any inquiries or concerns, please contact us at support@flexidomain.in or visit:

Flexi Domain

34, Kapoor Nagar, Amritsar, India

Website: https://flexidomain.in

2022 @ petra, All Rights Reserved.

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